Gepubliceerd op maandag 16 maart 2015
IEFBE 1257
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EPLIT annual meeting Paris

Paris, 29 May 2015. Agenda - registration form. We now have the pleasure to announce our second annual meeting which will take place on 29 May 2015 in Paris. Attached the agenda for this second annual meeting. The speakers at the meeting are deeply involved in setting up the Unified Patent Court, so we are confident that they will share some hot off the press news regarding the ongoing preparatory work for this Court with us.

9:00 Opening by the President, administrative and financial issues
9:30 Presentations from Working Groups about their activities
10:30 Coffee break
11:00 The way in which European patent attorneys can contribute to making the UPC system a success – Mr. Patrice Vidon (Cabinet Vidon)
11:45 The developments towards a litigators certificate for European Patent Attorneys – Ms. Bernadette Makoski (German Ministry of Justice)
12:30 Lunch
14:00 The ongoing preparations towards the unitary patent system – Ms. Margot Fröhlinger (European Patent Office)
14:45 The establishment of the Central Division and preparations for the UPC system in France - Mr. Max Brunner (French Ministry of Justice)
15:30 Coffee break
16:00 Panel discussion about the industry’s preparations for the UPC system with Ms. Marianne Rots (Unilever), Mr. Ronald Pols (Hexcel), Mr. Edward Oates (Carpmaels & Ransford), Mr. Pieter Vandersteen (Janssen Pharmaceutica)
17:00 Closing of Conference