Gepubliceerd op woensdag 25 juli 2018
IEFBE 2680
HvJ EU - CJUE ||
25 jul 2018
HvJ EU - CJUE 25 jul 2018, IEFBE 2680; ECLI:EU:C:2018:596 (Kit Kat 4 fingers),

HvJ EU: Kamer van beroep moet opnieuw onderzoeken of Kit Kat 4 fingers kan blijven bestaan

HvJ EU 25 juli 2018, IEF 17874; IEFbe 2680; C-84/17P; ECLI:EU:C:2018:596 (Kit Kat 4 fingers) Merkenrecht. 3D-merk. EUIPO's kamer van beroep moet opnieuw onderzoeken of het Kit Kat 4 finger-merk kan blijven bestaan. Uit het persbericht:

The Court concludes that, although it is not necessary, for the purposes of registering a mark that was formerly devoid of distinctive character, that evidence of the acquisition by that mark of distinctive character through use be submitted in respect of each individual Member State, the evidence submitted must be capable of establishing such acquisition throughout the Member States of the EU in which that mark was devoid of inherent distinctive character.

It follows from the above that the General Court was right to annul EUIPO’s decision, in which EUIPO concluded that distinctive character had been acquired through use of the mark at issue without adjudicating on whether that mark had acquired such distinctive character in Belgium, Ireland, Greece and Portugal.