Gepubliceerd op dinsdag 3 juni 2014
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The Trade Secrets Directive - the new council proposal

Wouter Pors, The Trade Secrets Directive - the new council proposal, IEF 13895.
Bijdrage ingezonden door Wouter Pors, Bird & Bird. Een update sinds IEF 13607. The law on trade secrets varies widely even among EU Member States. For instance, in The Netherlands it has always been a part of the general law on tort and to a limited extent of employment law, whereas Sweden has a specific law on trade secrets. Although the WTO Agreement on the Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPs) has proclaimed in Article 1(2) and Article 39 that trade secrets are intellectual property rights, that does not mean that they are always well-protected throughout the world. [draft 19 May; changes nov 2013- may 2014]
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